Don’t Dance Around Ingrown Toenails

Proper toenail trimming prevents ingrown toenailsSometimes trying something new, like dancing, is a great way to get active. The Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Reading periodically hosts community dances and offers lessons to anyone looking to learn—whether you’re graceful or have two left feet. Developing ingrown toenails could put a damper on your dancing, though, so make sure you take care of your digits before you have pain.

Preventing this problem largely revolves around paying attention to your nails and to your footwear. Good nail care and properly fitting shoes that don’t put unnecessary pressure on the digits can go a long way in helping prevent painful problems. Here are a few important tips to remember:

Nail Care:

  • Clip your nails regularly so they don’t get too long.
  • Trim them so they stay roughly even with the ends of your toes. Too-short nails can also cause problems for your feet.
  • Cut the keratin straight across so the edges are left intact. This makes it less likely that one side will curl as it grows out.


  • Avoid shoes with pointed toes and high heels. These can pinch the ends of the toes, or shove the digits into the front of the shoe, and cause nail damage.
  • Make sure footwear is the correct length, so you have roughly half an inch between your foot and the end of your shoe.
  • Avoid socks and stockings that squeeze the end of the foot. These may encourage the keratin tissue to curve.
  • Wear footwear that is appropriate for your activities, so you’re less likely to injure your toes.

Taking care of your digits is worthwhile in the end. It’s much better to prevent pain from ingrown toenails than to have to deal with the discomfort! If you develop nail problems, the sooner you take care of them, the easier it will be to manage the pain. Let us help you here at West Lawn Podiatry Associates, serving West Lawn, Reading, and the surrounding areas. You can make an appointment with us by calling (610) 678-4581 or submitting a request through our website.

Photo Credit: ponsulak via